🔼TONSquare Key Add-on Program

The TONSquare Key Add-on Program is a structured initiative within the TONSquare blockchain ecosystem, aimed at controlling and distributing access to its network through a tiered pricing model. TONSquare Keys, essential for operating nodes and participating in the network, are available in limited quantities and are acquired through a minting process where TON tokens are used as payment.

At the outset, TONSquare Keys are offered to early developers during designated add-on events, with the price set by an ascending threshold system. This means that as more Keys are added, the cost of each subsequent Key increases progressively, reflecting their increasing scarcity and value.

Each TONSquare Key provides identical benefits, ensuring that all tiers of participation are equally advantageous. However, these Keys are minted across different tiers, each tier representing a step-up in investment value. Should a user attempt to mint a number of Keys that exceeds the available inventory within the current pricing tier, the transaction will automatically span multiple tiers. This will result in Keys being priced differently according to their tier, accommodating the larger quantity requested in a single transaction. This tiered and dynamic pricing strategy is designed to manage the distribution of Keys fairly and efficiently while promoting an equitable participation environment within the TONSquare ecosystem.

TONSquare Key Tiers

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